Life Physics Scholarship) where he obtained the Bachelor of Science degree cum laude in June 1965. Sloan Foundation Scholarship), and then transferred to the University of Arizona (under the F. Krane began his undergraduate education by attending Cornell University (under an A. (2) Nonmajors, who may take no additional physics class, find an increasing need for concepts from modern physics in their disciplines-a classical introductory course is not sufficient background for chemists, computer scientists, nuclear and electrical engineers, or molecular biologists. (1) Physics majors, who will later take a more rigorous course in quantum mechanics, find an introductory modern course helpful in providing background for the rigors of their imminent coursework in classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. The course addresses two different audiences: Such a course often follows the standard introductory course in calculus-based classical physics. This textbook is meant to serve a first course in modern physics, including relativity, quantum mechanics, and their applications. Congratulations, the link is avaliable for free download.